< CMS Certified Consultant 12 LTS

Accessibility: Accessible Frontend (technical)


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Building an accessible frontend in TYPO3 is essential to ensure that all users can use and enjoy websites, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Consultants must possess the skills to concept accessible websites in TYPO3, adhering to established accessibility guidelines and best practices.


  • I understand the significance of creating an accessible frontend in TYPO3 to ensure equal access and usability for all users.
  • I know the concept of landmarks and their role in improving website accessibility by providing navigational cues for screen reader users.
  • I know about color contrast guidelines to ensure sufficient color differentiation for users with visual impairments.
  • I can advise how to make TYPO3 websites compatible and optimized for screenreader users.
  • I understand the importance of using plain language as an option to make content more accessible and understandable for a diverse range of users.


Korbinian Kugelmann queo München AG